Social- & Psychological Safety in the workplace.
Coming up: April 2025
Available in Dutch & English
1-day training
Find all scheduled sessions under ‘Dates & locations’.
Social- & Psychological Safety in the workplace.
This training is developed for anyone that wants to better understand how they can increase both social- & psychological safety in the workplace. Whether you work in HR, People & Culture, as a Teamleader, Manager, or Trusted Advisor, creating and maintaining a healthy, safe and energetic working environment is always a top priority.
Lately, the awareness on transgressive behavior has increased significantly and with that a clear need from our society to make real change regarding social safety. During this training you’ll learn what your need to know to make a positive difference in your workplace, starting today!

Registration & questions
Interested in joining this training? Or do you have any questions regarding participating? Fill in the contact form below and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
“The culture of any organization is shaped by the worst behavior the leader is willing to tolerate.’’
– Gruenert & Whitaker
On a mission to create healthy, inspiring & empowering workplaces
+31 (0)6 15275663
Verlengde Nieuwstraat 135
3011 GX Rotterdam
KVK | 83527532
BTW | NL862904912B01